Thursday, January 29, 2015


Usually Eric and I will go to church on Saturday together. However, this past Saturday he needed to go to Hong Kong to go hiking. Since I didn't know I scheduled Elder Hui to play his violin for the musical number. I was accompanying him, so I had to be there. Connor ended up going with me. We arrived a little bit early so we went to the garden across the street and took a few pictures of him.

The Chinese kids must have school on Saturday because there was a lot of students getting ready to go inside school. Yes, they made some of the old Portuguese buildings into a school.

Dead lily pads, but are big and green during the summer.

Cam is starting to speak fairly well. Here are a couple of videos. In the first one he is saying "Goodbye, Sister Susana". She is the lady who comes helps me on Tuesdays. She also watches him when I go on a field trip with one of the boys.

Fun time swinging.

Eric feeding him cereal, even though Cam had is own bowl.


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