Wednesday, January 28, 2015

New Years Eve

We don't really do anything special for New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. I am starting to think it is one of those lame holidays like Valentine's Day. However, we did do some fun things, especially since Eric was able to take some time off of work. On New Year's Eve we went to the Galaxy to go see a movie. We saw Night at the Museum 3. Cam and I did not get to see all of it due to him being too noisy. The boys liked the movie, but not as much as the previous 2 Night at the Museum shows. The theatres here are huge. Every chair is super comfy While watching the show there are Cantonese sub titles. As we were going up the escalators we noticed there was going to be a huge New Year's Eve party going on. They were practicing having the confetti blow out. Then the cleaners had to come clean it all up. Some girls practiced singing "Let it Go". It was probably a fun party to go. After the movie we walked over to the Venetian and ate yummy cheeseburgers and hot dogs at McSorley's. Then we just came home, watched movies, and fell asleep before anything even happened. Not even the fireworks woke up the boys.
Cam and I waiting for the movie to be done.


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