Monday, January 19, 2015

Kade's first field trip

Kade's class went on their first field trip to the Macau Communication Museum. They had been working on sound in science so it was a perfect fit to the end of their unit. It was fun to go with Kade and his class.
Kade's class

Crashing a plane.

Really cool paper airplane and boats.

Old telephone

Old cell phones, there was even one of those big brick looking ones from a long time ago in the mix.

They would crank the light on. It would turn off as soon as they stopped turning the wheel.

I took several pictures but this is the only one where I could see the lightning.

This is what it looked like when the lightning wasn't on.

Switch board

These phones are not that old but most of the students did not know how to work them. I guess I am getting old....

Really old phones.

Kade had a great time on his very first field trip here in Macau.

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