Tuesday, January 27, 2015


We were excited for our first Christmas here in Macau! However, it started extremely early. Kade, Kyle and Connor were all awake at 4:45. Eric and I laid in bed for another 45 minutes until Cam woke up. Once he was awake everyone woke up and Christmas began. They were so excited to see their presents.

All ready to open presents.

Cam thought it would be fun to bite open his present. Silly Cam!

They each received scooters for Christmas, except Kade. He asked for this remote control Ferrari. He was also given a keyboard so he can continue to practice the piano.

Having fun playing with their new toys.

After opening presents and playing for a little bit everyone was hungry. Instead of making anything we decided to, you guessed it, the Wynn for their breakfast buffet. It was so yummy, as usual. Everyone needed a nap though after we came back home.

In the afternoon we had our friends the Dyer's come over for Christmas dinner. We ordered a turkey from the Grand Orbit. It was really yummy and was nice to have our good friends over. We love having them over.

Playing in their room with their new toys.

Riding their scooters and Kade playing with his ferrari. We started laughing when we told him to watch out because he was going to wreck his Ferrari. ;)

Cam snuggling with daddy and, as usual, playing with his ear. We know he is going to be an ear doctor when he grows up.

What a wonderful Christmas it was, even though we were so far away from family! We hope all of our friends and family in America had a wonderful holiday as well. We are incredibly grateful for our Savior and all he did for us. He is truly the reason why we celebrate this holiday.
We love you!!!

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