Tuesday, December 29, 2015

One Grantai Christmas Party

I love how the Clubhouse here does parties for some of the holidays. This is the Christmas party. It was really fun again and very well decorated. Last year there was a lot of expats, but this year there seemed to be a lot more Asian residents.

It started our with just these two in the picture.

Then Cam decided to join.

Then Kyle.

Eric sat down on the chair because we thought it would be fun to get a family picture. All of the kids wanted to join in on the picture. It was hard to explain to them so this is our "family" picture. Lol!

Fun games-one for the kids and one for the adults (BINGO). Kade won a prize for the BINGO, a pair of Minion slippers and small towel.

This is my friend Jen. She helps me to stay sane while living here in Macau. She is the mom of Henry and Will. We are so grateful for their entire family.

Of course Cam was excited to see the fake Mickey Mouse.

Kade and Henry, I only took one picture. Too bad Kade's eyes were closed.

We had a really fun night with some of our friends. We will always remember living at One Grantai!
Outside decorations.  


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