Friday, December 25, 2015

Miscelleneous Pictures

One day we were asked to help set up the school Christmas tree for the Angel Giving tree. We were all happy to help. It turned out great.

One day it was twin day. Kade dressed up with his "twin".


TIS has blogs for each grade. This is one of the pictures of Kade doing some work. He had this project where he had to make a catapult. They could have a partner so of course him and Josh paired up. Their catapult ended up winning first place out of the whole grade, not just the class.


 I went to Hong Kong one day to go to the temple. However, when I got there it was closed for some renovations. I did get to see some awesome Christmas decorations at the mall that is close by.

The mall has this really fun looking skating rink. One day we will take the boys to it.

 Waiting for the shuttle.

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