Monday, June 20, 2016

Protestant Cemetary/Casa Garden Field Trip

Kade's second field trip was visiting the historic sites the Protestant Cemetary and Casa Garden. Like last time, I am so glad we went with people who knew where they were going. I never would have been able to find these places by myself. This wasn't a very good day for outdoor activities. It was very cloudy and rainy. I meant to bring umbrellas but in the craziness of the morning I forgot. Luckily we were able to really check out the cemetery without it raining. When we were on our way to the Casa Gardens it started to pour. There was a little shopping area with a McDonald's and an ice skating rink. Everyone went inside to get out of the rain. While we were waiting for the bus to arrive the teachers were very generous and bought all the students an ice cream cone. 

Protestant Cemetary

There were many graves of Americans who had died in Macau. It was really interesting to see who was buried there. On Billion Graves there are even pictures of some of the people who are buried here. 

 On our way over to Casa Garden. 

 Outside the McDonald's and ice skating rink. 

This picture is upside down. I cannot figure out how to switch it to the right way. 

The rain made this day a fun and wet one. It was a great opportunity to learn about some of the people who were buried here and more about Macau history. 

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