Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Hong Kong Temple Trip

The entire Macau District went to the temple on a Saturday morning. We were really excited about doing the ordinances for family members. On Friday night Eric and I went to the temple to do baptisms while Sister Fatima watched the boys at the hotel room. Then Saturday morning Eric just went to the temple. He had help from our friend Steve who travels between here and Las Vegas. While Eric was at the temple the boys had fun swimming and eating a yummy breakfast. 

This was the first time we went to Hong Kong and didn't take the stroller. Cam was very proud of himself for holding on in the train (MTR). He practically did a better job than his older brothers did. 

Swimming Saturday morning. 

Driving past the flower market. 

In front of the temple. The second picture has the really nice car in the background. I knew the boys would think that is cool, but I really like the first one. It reminds us why we go to the temple, so that our family can live together for forever, not just till death does us part. 

 Before we left we took some pictures with members form the Chinese branches. Although there are only a few who can speak English we recognize many from all of the district conferences we have had together. 

Sleeping on the ferry home. 

Cam didn't want to fall asleep on the ferry. Instead he fell asleep when we got back home. 

On Facebook the "memory" app reminded me that exactly 6 years ago was when Eric and I were sealed in the temple to each other and also to our boys. As I think about our family now I really wonder if Connor and Cam were there celebrating this special day with us. Before we went I took Kade and Kyle up there with me I was able to capture these sweet moments with Kade and Kyle. Kade to this day still remembers this special time. 

Families truly can be together forever! We are so very grateful for the temple, Heavenly Father's plan and our Savior's atonement that makes everything possible. 

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