Sunday, June 19, 2016

A-Ma Temple and the Panda Park

During Chinese Year we visited the A-Ma temple. Afterwards, since we were so close, we went to the Panda Park also. This was mine and the boys' first time to the temple and Eric's first time to the Panda Park. Since it was a holiday there were more visitors than usual. Many people were burning incense and worshipping. I thought the A-Ma cultural center had been built a really, really long time ago. While we were there we found out it was built in the 90's (if I remember right). It was still interesting seeing where people worship. 

 The main feature the boys really enjoyed was seeing turtles in the water. They could have watched them for a long time. 

When we were done looking at the cultural village we walked up to the big A-Ma statue. I believe A-Ma is the goddess of the sea and helped fishermen. Here is a link to read more.

Walking up to the statue. 

People actually carved their names into many of these plants on the way up. 

View of Taipa, Macau. 

View of Hac Sa and China islands in the far, far distant. 

Visiting the Panda Park. 

It was such a fun morning! We are sure to visit again. The rest of the day we just relaxed and chilled at home. 

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