Saturday, February 21, 2015

Wednesday-Old Taipa and Shopping

On Wednesday we waited for Eric to finish working. He had a presentation that morning. Then we met him, Starr and Roy down at the garden right by our house. After that we went to Old Taipa. We had hot chocolate from Starbuck's and Starr was able to get some great souvenir shopping done. After that we went back to SCC and the boys went shopping at Kid's Cavern.


The picture above is good, but Connor has a silly face in it. In the picture below Connor has a cute face, but Cam Cam is looking away.

Walking by the church and standing in front of the cross.

David Beckham is part of the Venetian's marketing strategy. A new motto is #neversettle. There is even a really nice commercial of Beckham and the motto.

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