Saturday, February 21, 2015

Monday-St Paul Ruins/Senado Square/Swimming

On Monday the boys had to go to school, so Cam and I met Starr and Roy at the Holiday Inn to take a taxi down to the St. Paul Ruins and Senado Square.
This is the garden area in the Holiday Inn. Cam loved looking (and running) around while we waited for a minute.

Found Nana and Kung Fu Panda

 At Senado Square....this is the year of the goat. I think they kind of look like little pigs though.

A little alley way on our walk towards St Paul ruins.

An old historic church.

Some of the streets were so incredibly crowded.

The crowd starts to disperse once we were closer to the ruins.

The view from the stairs of the ruins. The really tall building is the Grand Lispoa hotel/casino.

Views from the fort. Last time I went with Eric and the boys we were able to go to the Museum of Macau. We didn't get to this time because it is closed on Mondays.

After we were done we took a taxi back to the hotel. Cam and I waited there until I had to leave to pick up the boys. It was a nice walk without having to push a stroller. After the boys were done with school we went home to pick up their swimsuits. We then headed to SCC to go swimming (the pool is heated!). I am sure this was their favorite part of the day. We also had some yummy dinner poolside. :)

The boys were crazy and still wanted to get in to the "cold" pools.

After everyone was done and tired the boys changed and headed back home. Tuesday was going to be another busy day.

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