Wednesday, February 18, 2015

TIS Chinese New Year Celebration

TIS, the school the boys go to, had a Chinese New Year Celebration. Forget about Valentine's Day here. It is all about Chinese New Year. They had an assembly for grades 1-6 then all of the grades were able to come down at certain times to play all of the games and try some of the dumplings.

The girl in the red is Ashley. She is one the girls I teach in YW.

All of the boys wanted one these cute little dragons. They each picked out a different colored one. That way they could tell exactly which one was theirs.

Connor's cherry blossom tree finger painting.

Kade playing games with his good friend Josh.

 Cam tried to play too.

One Grantai is all decorated for Chinese New Year. I tried to take a cute picture of the boys, but they wouldn't cooperate.

This was a fun start to the our first Chinese New Year here in Macau.

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