Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Miscelleneous Pictures with Sister Gina

Many of the Filipino sisters here love taking pictures after church. Sister Gina took a bunch of Cam and Baylor and sent them to me. Here they are.
Sister Gina and Cam

With Baylor

I love this picture of them waving hi. In the background is Baylor's mom Julie, and Sister Gina's sister Rissa (she was just baptized in December).

Ryan (one of the boys' favorite guys here in Macau). Eric and I will probably be going to his wedding in the Philippines in November.

In this picture is Sister Adora (I think), Sister Vera (Cam and Baylor's nursery teacher), Sister Jennifer (holding Baylor), Julie and Harper, Kade and I. Looks like Kade was having too much fun on my phone to smile for the picture. ;)

 With Courtney, one of the Young Women we teach.
It is so nice serving with Sister Gina. She is an incredible, hard working and faithful person. We love her to pieces!!!

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