When I was talking to Elder Hafen I asked him what they were doing for Thanksgiving. He told me all 14 of the Macau missionaries were getting together at the church and making Thanksgiving dinner. I asked him how they were making the turkey. He told me they were not having turkey because it was not in their budget to buy one. Afterwards I was thinking and knew one of the restaurants provided turkey dinners. I called Eric and talked to him about buying them a turkey for Thanksgiving. He agreed we could. I told Elder Hafen, but asked him to keep it a surprise for the rest of the missionaries.
As Thanksgiving came I picked up the boys from school early. We walked over to Sands Cotai Central to the Grand Orbit Restaurant to pick up the turkey. While we were waiting for them to bring everything out the DreamWorks parade came by. The boys really liked that because they were able to see Santa.
After everything came we went out front to ride a taxi to the church. When we got to the church we were so excited to give them the turkey. Elder Hafen told all of them we had a surprise for them. The turkey was in a big white box so they had no idea what it was. Elder Hafen put it on the table and had everyone gather around it. He said "ready?" and opened the box. All of the missionaries were so excited to see a turkey in there. I guess they were planning on having just chicken.

The missionary is looking at Elder Hafen because he almost dropped the pumpkin pie. I am grateful we were able to do something for them. I am grateful for the boys were able to see how serving others makes us happy.
On Friday we had our Thanksgiving at the Clubhouse with some close friends.
Stanford and Eric cutting the turkeys


Me, Alex, Chandra and Christy

Waiting to go into the movie room.

All of the kids watching a movie.

Little Chloe on Thanksgiving. We miss her!!

We had a great first Thanksgiving here in Macau. Although we miss our family we are grateful we were able to celebrate with friends. Happy Thanksgiving!!
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