Saturday, January 24, 2015

Connor's Airport Field Trip

For Connor's first field trip he was able to visit the Macau airport. I was lucky enough to volunteer. Sister Susana watched Cam. I hope Connor was really excited to have me go with him and his class. All of the students loved to see the inside, have their bags checked, receive their "pretend" ticket and then see the airplanes take off and land on the tarmac.  
On the bus.

In the airport.

Checking his bag in.

His pretend ticket.

Going through security.

Watching the planes take off and land.

His friend Oliver.

His class with his teacher, Ms. Lai and the teaching assistant.

 Everyone, including the moms that went. We are attempting to have all of the kids look at the cameras.

Christmas decorations on the windows.

It was a fun field trip. Connor is looking forward to his next one. :) 

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