Playing at the park on one of our many grocery store trips. Cam still loves the swings.
This the both of the shuttle schedules. What is crazy is there are a lot of stores that do not open until 10. Some don't even open until 11 or 12. It can sometimes be frustrating, but as I learn which stores I want to shop at and what time they open it is easier to make a schedule.
The hill. This is the hill leading up to the towers. It is such a pain, especially during the hot and humid season. We are usually soaked in sweat by the time we get home. All we want to do when we get home is lay down and cool off.
My shopping buddy.
At home before we leave.

In the elevator.

Walking to the shuttle. He is starting to think he is so big. He no longer wants to be in his stroller, but he will gladly push/pull the grocery cart.

On the shuttle.

Walking to the store through the park with the giant lily pads.

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