Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Saying Goodbye to a friend

After downloading these pictures I finally remembered why I had the boys take the bus and it is because Sister Rose was going back home to the Philippines. She has become one of our dear friends here in Macau. She is kind, sweet, pretty, faithful and strong. We loved seeing her every Saturday at Saturday sacrament. We are also excited because we will probably see her when we visit Boise. She is engaged to a guy from Boise and they are planning on getting married in Boise. Apparently if they were to be married in the Philippines they would have to stay there for two years. We will see if we have the opportunity to be at their wedding this summer. We asked the missionaries to take some pictures. This is what I found when they handed me my phone back.

Elder Hafen and Elder Hui

Here we all are with Sister Rose. We are in the downstairs part of the church.

I realized we never took the opportunity to take a picture with these guys too. We admire these missionaries for their faith and ever growing testimony of the gospel. Before we moved out here Kyle didn't really want to go on a mission. Since we are around the missionaries so much now Kyle says he does want to serve to a mission.

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