For the first few days we decided to adventure out into the new areas where we would be living and shopping. One of our stops was going to see Eric's work. I was amazed at how the Venetian here looks exactly the same as the Venetian in Las Vegas. It is just bigger and has more water surrounding it.

This is the building where we live.
It is awesome we can see while standing at the Venetian.

More views of the Venetian.

Across the street is what is called SCC or Sands Cotai Central. There is also a Holiday Inn. When Eric first told me he had stayed at a Holiday Inn I was a little worried. It calmed my worries by telling me this Holiday Inn is not like the one we are use to in America. Obviously he was right.
While walking around it was so hot and humid. I much preferred the dry heat of Las Vegas. I could not do my hair at all so I ended up wearing hats every day.

We spent many of our first few days going to the store. It is really hard to go to the store without a car. We had to manage to carry everything we needed and take the shuttle back to our apartment. One thing all of us will remember is the smell of the grocery store. It was awful! It was a mixture of fish and fruit and all kinds of things. Some other things we noticed on our first few trip to the grocery store is how small everything is. The cans of jelly and peanut butter are smaller. At first we could not see any mac n cheese.
One of our first rides on the shuttle that takes us down to Flower City where the grocery stores are.

Right after we get off the shuttle we walk through this awesome little park. The boys love it because there are fish in the water.

Playing at the playground.

Kade had an easy time making new friends almost wherever we went.

Some of the buildings we see on our way to Flower City.

Whenever we passed this apartment on the shuttle the boys would always start laughing. They thought it was hilarious how the girl who lived there hung her underwear and bras outside to air out. Side note....nobody here has dryers. Eric, fortunately, bought one for us before we even arrived. We also do not have a dishwasher, oven and closets. We are still living out of suitcases.

After we arrived we learned the pool was not open. It was closed for at least the first couple of weeks. After that we (the boys and Eric, not me) swam A LOT. Here are some pictures of them swimming, at night and during the day, and the view we have from the pool area.

In the hot tub.

I signed Kade and Kyle up for swim lessons. Before the pool opened we went to this community pool. They really enjoyed going to the community pool. By the end of the summer though Kyle didn't want to take lessons anymore so Connor was able to take a couple of lessons. The thing about the community pool is if you want to go by the pool you have to be in swim wear. So...I unfortunately had to wear my bathing suit. The boys thought it was fun to have me swimming with them. I had more pictures, but because of my phone being lost I wiped all of it. I thought I saved the pictures, but I guess I didn't because I can only find some of them.
We also went to Hac Sa beach. The boys LOVED that too. They had a blast playing in the water and the black sand. By the time we were ready to go a bunch a Asian people were standing around the boys watching them play and taking pictures of them. Kind of creepy, but I have heard that is what they do when they see blonde hair kids. Before we went to the beach Eric took us to this breakfast buffet at the Wynn. It was so good and is now a tradition of ours. Whenever there is a birthday, holiday or something special we go there for breakfast. We ride the shuttle into Macau and walk over to the Wynn. We were fortunate to have a taxi take us out to Hac Sa when we were done.
A statue we see on our way to the Wynn.

A view of their pool.

We also went to the Qube a couple of times. It is a really fun play place for kids to go to at the Venetian. There are slides and even Wiis and nintendos for them to play. Here is Kade and Kyle with the little Qube mascot.

There is a gorgeous park and old Portuguese houses about a five minute walk away from where we live. It is called Old Taipa. We also went to this market center where there is a Starbuck's. I know I had more pictures of this too, but they are gone. At least I have some because I shared them on Facebook.

Eric doesn't like this picture too much, but it is one of my favorites of him and our boys.

Another first we had was going to church. This was definitely one of the biggest changes. We no longer went to a big beautiful building. Our boys are the only 4 little boys in the branch. There are also three little girls. Getting there is another story. Every time we would call for a cab we would either have to wait for ever only for them to come and tell us they couldn't take us because there was too many people (they have a 4 person limit). It was sooo frustrating!! I remember my good friend Lauren (who has traveled a lot of the world) telling me people would hire a driver instead of buying a car. I am grateful she told me that because I soon found a company on Facebook that would take us to and from church every Sunday. I can't tell you how grateful we have been for our driver, Graham, each Sunday. Getting to and from church is so much more relaxing and reliable now. I had a picture of the church, but I can't find it now. Overall, we are grateful the church is here and for all the people we have been meeting. Everyone has been so incredibly friendly and helpful.
We are loving our new adventure of living here in Macau. The boys are getting excited for school to start.
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