Sometimes when there is a holiday here many of the Filipino sisters have the day off. They plan a temple trip. Since two of our young women were going I was able to go to. It was so exciting to go to Hong Kong. Eric and the boys stayed home because we thought it was going to be a stormy day but it turned out to be really nice and beautiful. I am grateful I went with a group of people who knew exactly where they were going.
This is some of the first views from the ferry.
Getting on the MTR-Hong Kong's subway system. As soon as we got off the ferry we headed to the MTR. I was kind of bummed I didn't get to see more of the Hong Kong skyline since we were underground until we went to the temple. I knew this would not be my last time going to Hong Kong. Usually the MTR is quit busy, but because it was early in the morning and a holiday it wasn't too busy.
Ashley, Courtney and their dad, Gerard.
Also, Sister Nedy, the YW President.
Map of stops and where to transfer trains.
One of the first things I saw after leaving the MTR. It is so green.
A super nice house on the way up to the temple.
This is the Visitor's Center/chapel across the street from the temple.
Angel Moroni
The Hong Kong temple is gorgeous, but it is a lot smaller than what I was expecting.
This is a beautiful park next to the Visitors Center.
Different views of the temple.
Inside the courtyard.
Picture of everyone involved in Young Women's.
My new Chinese name....Connie Wong. :)
We walked in to this ginormous mall to have some lunch and hop on the MTR.
I thought this sign was funny. It basically explains to people who they need to give up their seat too. Everyone needs reminders of common courtesy right?!?!
I am so grateful I was able to go on this trip. I am grateful Eric was willing to spend the whole day with boys so I could take advantage of this opportunity. One of the factors that eased our minds and hearts about moving to Macau was that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints was there and that there was a temple in Hong Kong. I am grateful I was able to go with this great group of friends whose testimonies are strong. The temple is definitely a sacred and special place where we can be sealed as families forever and do the necessary ordinances for our deceased relatives and other people. Each time I go to the temple I am grateful for the Spirit I feel while there. It always increases my testimony that we are sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. He and our Savior, Jesus Christ loves us so much. I know, if we are worthy to have the Holy Ghost, they are there to guide us and comfort us in the times we need.
We left before this picture was taken, but this is the group of amazing people we went with.

Here is picture I found on Facebook. We know and love each one of these sisters. Each of them has touched our lives in such a positive and kind way.

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