Eric really made my birthday special this year! In the morning we, of course, went over to our favorite breakfast buffet at the Wynn. Later Sister Anna came over to watch the boys. We were able to go over to Morton's Steakhouse to have the best meal we had since moving here. Then he surprised me by taking me to see the House of Dancing Water show. Our friend Adam is in the show and he hooked Eric up with tickets. After the show was over we were able to go back stage and see how everything happens. It is pretty miraculous how everything is pulled together for the show. The performers are amazing too. I would never be able to jump from really high, then dance and perform like they do. They are a really talented group of people.
On our way to the Wynn.
Walking to the Wynn. The buildings in the distance are on the Taipa island, where we live.
When we arrived at Morton's our reserved table looked like this. I was amazed how somebody took the time to carefully place the little confetti like this.
The menu even said "Happy Birthday, Connie!" on it. It made me feel pretty special.
Before we have our delicious steaks. All of the food was so good. If I could eat food this good every day I would probably be really big.
The brought out some crème brulee with "Happy Birthday Connie" written in chocolate.
Of course we had to order chocolate molten cake too. We were so full after everything we ate, but it was all so good.
Here is a picture from a part of the show. Adam is the third one, right by he dark queens right hand.

During my birthday weekend I was going through a rough time. I was starting to feel homesick. The first time since moving to Macau. I didn't want anyone to know it was my birthday so I made sure it would not show up on Facebook. On Sunday, my actual birthday I went to church being grateful no one knew it was my birthday. After we arrived I noticed one of the young single adult guy, who our boys adore, had a beautiful bouquet of flowers. I remember thinking "Those must be for one of the cute single sisters here. She is lucky." Since I am in YW I went to the room to see if any young women were there yet. They weren't so I went back out to where everyone gathers for Relief Society and Elders Quorum. As I walked out Brother Ryan said "Sister I know you are married but I thought I would give these to you". Then everyone started singing Happy Birthday. Then they all came to give me a hug and tell me "Happy Birthday". I was super surprised because I didn't think anyone would know it was my birthday, I was also humbled because of their kindness, generosity and love. I knew at that moment I didn't need to feel completely homesick because we have friends in our branch. How grateful I am for everybody in our new branch. We dearly love them and are so lucky to be able to serve with them and to get to know them better.
Pictures of the Beautiful Flowers.
My very first birthday away from home and in a different country could not have been any better, mostly because of my incredible husband who I am lucky enough to have in my life.
My mom posted these pictures of me on her Facebook page. I am posting them on here so I have a copy.

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