On New Year's Day we started the day off by going to the Wynn and having breakfast. Before we walked over to the Wynn we had to check out the Nativity across the street from the shuttle drop off. We were excited to see one of these. I didn't think they would, but they did and everything was life size.
Connor eating his yummy breakfast.
We are at the park Cam and I found after we dropped the suitcase off at Steve's work from a couple weeks ago.
Kade, Kyle and Connor thought it was awesome seeing the statue up close. Usually we only see it from the bridge on our way to church.
The Science Center
Part of the Macau Island hotels.
I think this is where they have symphonies and an art museum.
This is where Steve works.
A beach, but nobody is allowed down there.
Walking up to the Macau Science Center.
Our view from the science center.
Brotherly love.
A 3-D map of Macau. The green in the lower left corner is mainland China.
Keys and locks
More of space.
This was probably their favorite part, the water zone.
These are suitcases that make seats for the plays they have.
Music floor, one of favorite floors.
A cell. They are already trying to teach little ones about biology.
Nutrition level
After we were home and took a nap we took the boys out to ride their scooters. Eric and Kade were playing football. Eric ended up using the other boys as moving targets. Cam keeps getting better and better at riding his scooter.
Vidoes of them hiding and Eric missing or hitting them with the football.
Eric riding Kyle's scooter.
Since we fell asleep the night before we decided to celebrate at Las Vegas' midnight. The boys put on these mask and hats and all of us enjoyed the Sparkling grape juice our driver gave us in a "thank you" basket.
Happy New Year everyone!! We are excited to see what this year brings, especially since we will be spending the entire year in Macau (except for our visit to the US, and possible trips to Singapore and Thailand).