Thursday, January 29, 2015


Usually Eric and I will go to church on Saturday together. However, this past Saturday he needed to go to Hong Kong to go hiking. Since I didn't know I scheduled Elder Hui to play his violin for the musical number. I was accompanying him, so I had to be there. Connor ended up going with me. We arrived a little bit early so we went to the garden across the street and took a few pictures of him.

The Chinese kids must have school on Saturday because there was a lot of students getting ready to go inside school. Yes, they made some of the old Portuguese buildings into a school.

Dead lily pads, but are big and green during the summer.

Cam is starting to speak fairly well. Here are a couple of videos. In the first one he is saying "Goodbye, Sister Susana". She is the lady who comes helps me on Tuesdays. She also watches him when I go on a field trip with one of the boys.

Fun time swinging.

Eric feeding him cereal, even though Cam had is own bowl.


Kade/Being Sick

This is Kade's second school project. Last year he had to do a report on grasshopper's. This year he had to pick a scene from a book he was reading and either write journal entries or make a scene setter. He chose to do a scene setter of a volcano. We bought the supplies. I printed the directions and he did the rest with very little help from me. He also had to write a description of the scene.

I have been able to be a mystery reader for Kyle and Connor's classes. While I was waiting to go into Kyle's class I saw this on the bulletin board in the hallway.

Kade also received Student of the Month. Here they do it a little different. Each month there is a value. This month was safety. I feel bad I wasn't there for it. Nobody told me, but I wouldn't have been able to go anyways. Kyle woke up with an ear infection and Cam woke up with a bad fever. Eric took Kyle to the doctor to get some antibiotics and Cam was better after a few days.

Eric bought Cam this little Mickey Mouse puppet. Cam of course LOVED it!! He slept with it all the time while he was sick.

Kyle sleeping after he came home from the doctor.

Doing a little bit better.

Cam taking a nap the next day. So cute!! I hope I am able to remember these times.


We had one of the coldest days so far in Macau. Our apartment can get very cold too. We don't have a heater. It we want it to be warm we have to bundle up or break down and buy a small heater. Luckily after these few days it wasn't cold anymore. The weather has been nice, light jacket or no jacket weather lately.

Not cold enough to not climb trees though.

If you remember pictures before of this view you will see big green, beautiful lily pads. Now that fall and winter is here they have all died, but will come back during spring and summer.

Saying goodbye to sweet friends, again.

This is Sister Sheryl. She was Connor's teacher in primary. She decided to go back home to the Philippines so she can start the process of going on a mission. Even though we will miss her terribly, (Connor will really miss her making paper airplanes for him during church), we know she has a bright future ahead of her. Thank you for all you did!! Good luck with everything!
During her last week here she had some extra time so she came to visit us one night. All of the boys were excited to have her over.

A couple days later Cam and I were going to lunch with Michelle. She was here in Macau for a funeral. She was leaving just a couple days after Sister Sheryl. She was going back to the UK where she is now living. I believe Michelle was born and raised here in Macau. It will be fun to see her again when she visits next time. We also invited Sister Sheryl to have lunch with us at the Grand Orbit.

Michelle and Cam
Afterwards, Sister Sheryl came with me to pick the boys up from school.
Sheryl Mae Bartolome's photo.
Other pictures of Sister Sheryl with the boys.
Sheryl Mae Bartolome's photo.
We are sad when we have to say goodbye to friends, but we wish them the best of luck with their new adventures!!

New Year's/Macau Science Center

On New Year's Day we started the day off by going to the Wynn and having breakfast. Before we walked over to the Wynn we had to check out the Nativity across the street from the shuttle drop off. We were excited to see one of these. I didn't think they would, but they did and everything was life size.

Connor eating his yummy breakfast.

We are at the park Cam and I found after we dropped the suitcase off at Steve's work from a couple weeks ago.

Kade, Kyle and Connor thought it was awesome seeing the statue up close. Usually we only see it from the bridge on our way to church.

The Science Center

Part of the Macau Island hotels.

I think this is where they have symphonies and an art museum.

This is where Steve works.

A beach, but nobody is allowed down there.

Walking up to the Macau Science Center.

Our view from the science center.

Brotherly love.

A 3-D map of Macau. The green in the lower left corner is mainland China.



Keys and locks

More of space.

This was probably their favorite part, the water zone.

These are suitcases that make seats for the plays they have.

Music floor, one of favorite floors.

A cell. They are already trying to teach little ones about biology.


Nutrition level

After we were home and took a nap we took the boys out to ride their scooters. Eric and Kade were playing football. Eric ended up using the other boys as moving targets. Cam keeps getting better and better at riding his scooter.

Vidoes of them hiding and Eric missing or hitting them with the football.

Eric riding Kyle's scooter.

Since we fell asleep the night before we decided to celebrate at Las Vegas' midnight. The boys put on these mask and hats and all of us enjoyed the Sparkling grape juice our driver gave us in a "thank you" basket.

 Happy New Year everyone!! We are excited to see what this year brings, especially since we will be spending the entire year in Macau (except for our visit to the US, and possible trips to Singapore and Thailand).