Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mid-Autumn Festival/Golden Week

The garden by our apartment has changed again. As usual it is really beautiful.

Swimming. One of our friends moved to Hong Kong. They decided they didn't want to take their very large crocodile so they gave it us. The boys were so excited when they saw it in our apartment.

At the TIS Mid-Autumn Festival all of the students made Chinese lanterns. Connor's is the first picture, green one in the middle. Kyle's is in the second picture, all yellow one and Cam's is the last picture. He painted his bright pink. The other side is yellow.

This is the night I helped out with the TISPA BBQ. I hope if I for sure take over the event coordinator position that I do as good of job as the previous lady. She had everything really organized and efficiently running. The next morning was the first time I was a popcorn mom. I think (I hope) the boys enjoyed seeing me there. :) Happy Mid-Autumn and Golden Week!

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