Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Connor's hospital visit

One morning Connor's nose started to run. I thought he must be getting sick, so I had gave him a little bit of medicine and had him lay down. About 30 minutes later I noticed snot still coming out of his nose but instead of the snot being clear it had a yellowish tint to it. Soon after I noticed that he finally told me he put a button battery from the window alarm up his nose. I have read about many kids dying from a battery leaking into their body so I knew I needed to get him to the hospital fast. Luckily Sister Susana doesn't go to work until 3:30 so I called her to see if she could run over. Thankfully she could. I told Kade to watch Kyle and Cam until Sister Susana got there. I left to get a taxi to take Connor to the hospital that is right by their school.
We left around 10:00 a.m. When we arrived at the hospital we needed to register and then wait to see the ENT. He was not at work yet, so we had to wait about 30-45 minutes for him. Once he was there we went into his office. Him and one other doctor tried to get the battery out of Connor's nose but with no luck. It was really hurting Connor. Through the translation app and another worker in a different department translating what the doctor said, I found out they wanted to put Connor under anesthesia. I called Eric and we agreed that the doctors needed to whatever was needed to get the battery out, especially before it started leaking into his body. Connor and I then had to wait in the lobby for an operating room to open up.
Finally the room was ready. The nurse took Connor into a room and had him change into a hospital gown. He really did not want to change into the hospital gown. He really started crying and getting worried when he had to take off all of his clothes. Luckily, she let him keep his undies on. He had to lay on the hospital bed and get wheeled into the operating room. They allowed me to come into the room until Connor was put under. I had to put on booties, a hat and a clothes cover. I felt weird because Eric is usually the one having to put all these items on and walk into the operating room. But this time it was my turn and we weren't going to see a little baby coming out of it. Once Connor was out they had me wait in the lobby. The procedure only took about 30 minutes. When they brought him out he was already awake. I am sure he was relieved to be done and to see me. They rolled his bed into the room we were in first. Because of the anesthesia we had to wait at the hospital for another two hours. In total we were there from about 10-5. Sister Susana needed to be at her regular job at 3:30 so Eric came home to be with the other three boys.


At home recovering.


We thought Connor would have learned from this experience to not put anything in his body. However, a few days later while we were watching a movie Eric looked over at Connor when he was about to put a little Monopoly house in his ear. We are grateful Eric saw that before we had to go to the hospital again. 



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