Monday, August 7, 2017


Eric received free tickets for an afternoon "Thriller" show. The boys really had not heard of Michael Jackson before now they know exactly who he is and even tries to mimic some of his moves. It was also their first time to see the Parisian. 

 The ceiling in the entrance of the Parisian. 

 Part of the mall area. 

 Before it starts. 

 Afterwards when we were walking around we were taking pictures. However, some of the Chinese people wanted to take pictures with them. 

 I don't think Cam was too thrilled about him picking him to take a picture. You can also see reaching out to shake somebody's hand. 

 Outside the Parisian. 

 Another lady talking to them. 

 Looking at our apartment building from the Parisian.

We absolutely loved watching "Thriller"! The boys now want to listen to Michael Jackson more. It was also a good start to the Halloween season. 

About a week later Eric received additional tickets, however, this time he was able to attend too. 

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