Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Random November and December pictures

Christmas tree at the Hyatt. 

 An adorable window display across the street from where Cam's Hong Kong appointments are. 

 Kade and Kyle were invited to a birthday party. I really hope they behaved themselves and used their manners. 

 Connor lost his two front teeth. We would always laugh and start singing that song "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth". You can still see his scar from the moment when i won the "Worst Mom of the Year" award. 

 Buildings I saw when I went to pick up a package from Grandma Fern at the post office on the Macau side. 

 Christmas in Senado Square. 

 The post office. However, I had to go behind the building, up these stairs, and then down some stairs. It was really confusing at first. 

 One of Kyle's assignments. He had to write a little bit about each member of his family. 

 In front of the Venetian Macau Christmas tree. 

My two YW hijacked my phone one Sunday.

Pictures of Cam at school. He is with his good friend Eric. 

 Pretend sleeping. 

 The tree in the round about at our apartment development. We really don't like how they decorated it with gold leaves, but China really likes the colors red and gold. 

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