Saturday, December 27, 2014

Swimming and Disneyland!!

Swimming! The boys love to swim over here. I believe these were taken right before Jeff and Erica's wedding. It was nice to have a little bit of fun before we had to do our final packing.

I didn't know for sure if we would be able to take go to Disneyland because of everything I had left to do. But I didn't want to ruin a last fun memory here, so we decided to go. I didn't tell the boy though until either the night before or that morning after I had to wake them up. We went with Grandma and Grandpa, Becky and Aubrey and Austin, Angie and their girls.




 Disneyland really wears Cam out. I am grateful for our double stroller so he could sleep in it and Connor could ride in it when his legs were tired.

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