Friday, December 26, 2014

End of the School Year

After Cam's birthday and Eric leaving for Macau Kade and Kyle finished 1st grade and preschool. Kyle had a preschool graduation at the park and Kade had a final assembly. We are so proud for Kyle finishing preschool. He made many friends that he is really going to miss after we move. He had a great teacher, Miss Brieann. She was able teach him his numbers, shapes, recognizing letters and the sounds of each letter.

Kade received straight A's for the entire year. We are very proud of him for working so hard.  He received a pin and a letter. If he had of stayed at Doral we would have been able to buy a sweater he could put the pin and letter on. He is such a smart kid. We look forward to seeing what he accomplishes during the next year, especially as make many changes.

We love you buddy!!

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