Saturday, December 27, 2014

Packing for the container!!

Packing by myself with four little boys running around was awful. Everything was a mess and was in disarray. Moving is hard, but moving to a different country is really hard. While packing I had to decide what we needed to pack to take to Macau, what we needed to pack to store and what we just needed to give away. It tried doing one room at a time, which worked for the most part. However, this was one of the most stressful 2 months I had experienced in a longtime. Cam still had his PT, OT and DS coming. For the first month I still had to make sure the boys were to their practices and games and to school. Meals still had to be prepared, grocery shopping done. During the last month having all the boys by myself was really difficult. They always needed to be entertained. I remember telling them to just please be patient until we were able to get everything moved. Once we arrived to Macau and was with daddy we could have more fun. Because of being so stressed and having Eric gone, I was super emotional. It was almost like I was pregnant. I could be fine one minute and crying the next. However, the boys seemed super excited to be moving to a completely different country.  
Here are some pictures of what our house looked like the last few days before the container came and then before our final move.  

This is how Cam preferred to help. Sitting on the massage "chair" watching me do everything.

Jeff came to take down their bunk bed. Little Cam really wanted to help by putting the long boards into Jeff's truck.

He tried to put it into the truck, but he was too short.

Here is basically asking for help.

This is how disgustingly messy our house was. Part of the reason everything was even more stressful. However, if I stopped to clean everything up I would never had anything packed up.


Pictures of all the items we were bringing. Once everything was in the container our house was pretty empty.

Toys we had to give away since hey were too big to pack. We ended up giving most of them to our ward nursery since they were separating into three.

This is how everything looked all packed up and ready to put in the container. It would take the container two months to get to Hong Kong and then to Macau.

All loaded up and heading away. I was very relieved to have this portion of moving done but I still had a lot to do before we were officially ready to leave Las Vegas for Macau.

Now we were able to get ready for a surprise Disneyland trip, Jeff and Erica's wedding, moving stuff into storage and our final cleaning. 

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