Thursday, July 20, 2017

Apple Store

There is a ladies group here called the International Ladies Club of Macau. ILCM for short. During the summer there was a class they put together at the Apple Store. The employees taught the boys how to make short movies. They had a good time. 

 Cam was too young to participate so he and I strolled around the Galaxy. There was a display of some of the famous landmarks from around the world. Cam made sure he posed by each one. 

 Kade, Kyle and Connor had to have a turn standing my them also, especially the Statue of Liberty. 

This is what the boys were doing while we were eating our food from Pacific Coffee. They were trying to take their shirt off that was underneath the yellow Apple shirt. I am sure the guy right there was enjoying that. We left soon after.

Soon after we got home they had to play on the iPad (or reading scriptures as Kade says we were doing). 

Cam tries to read along too. 

Pictures from the second day of the camp. 

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