Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Kyle Panda Field Trip/Connor/Cam

Kyle's class was studying about animals and habitats. To really understand what they were learning they went on a field trip to the Panda Pavilion. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to go with the boys, even though they are getting older and would rather hang out with their friends. It is still so much fun! I was in charge of Kyle and three other boys. 

Drawing and writing about what he sees. He also needed to determine if he thought the pandas were ok living in an enclosure. 

At the Volunteer Tea Party Connor had the opportunity to play the drums for everyone. Him and his classmates did an awesome job. 

Cam also had a fun day. All of the pk students had an outside water day. There was face painting and they were able to paint on the school walls (I am sure that was fun to clean up). He looks like he had a really great time. 

Cam with his best friend Will. 

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