Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Art Night

Every year TIS has an Arts Night where they display a piece of art from each student in the entire school. Here is what was displayed of the boys' art. I also noticed the art from Ashley and Courtney (the girls in YW). Ashley's was amazing!! She missed a couple days of seminary to finish on time. I can see why she needed to. 

Kade (obviously) :) 

 Kyle's art of a dragozebra. 

 Connor's art of dried flowers and leaves. 

 Cam's fun fan. 

 Here is three of Ashley's pieces of art. She is incredibly talented! 

Courtney's artwork. 

More of Connor's art displayed by his classroom. I don't know if he picked police man because he really wants to be that or because he knows that is what Kyle really wants to be. 

When Connor had student led conferences he had to trace our hands. He accidentally cut one of his fingers off so his hand kind of looks like an alien hand. Lol!

We look forward to seeing what everyone creates next year! 

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