Friday, January 1, 2016

Late posts....

Before we found out Sister Cheung was leaving we invited her and Sister Perez over for dinner. Knowing sister missionaries is great because I can still have them come over even when Eric cannot make it. When the Elders come I have to make sure it is at a time when Eric is home. It was so nice having them over. After dinner they gave us this lesson about how our foundation is centered in Christ. They had tic tacs and flour. They poured the flour into a cup and pushed the tic tac in. Afterwards they put the cup of flour onto a plate. The flour formed a perfect circle. They gave each of the boys a turn to cut the flour but make sure the tic tac did not fall. It got pretty messy. The object of the lesson was that when we sin and do not repent our foundation in Christ becomes less and less.

We are so grateful for the missionaries and the spirit they bring into our apartment home!! 

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