Saturday, June 6, 2015

Australian Football

Kade and Kyle are playing Australian Football. Instead of having practice one Saturday morning they had a fun party where they handed out all of the uniforms to each player. Both Kade and Kyle enjoyed receiving their new uniform, especially since their name is on the back of it.
Here is their team.

Kyle receiving his new uniform.

Kade receiving his uniform.
This is the pool at the clubhouse where the party was at. All of the boys wished we had of brought their swimsuits so they could have swam. They still had fun though.

 Waiting for the shuttle.

Cam decided all of the fun was really tiring. He fell asleep right before we were suppose to leave. Because I didn't have his stroller I ended up having to carry him. He was really out because he stayed asleep while walking, sitting on the shuttle and going up the elevator. Nothing was going to wake him up. He does look so peaceful sleeping away.

Macau Auskick Lightning has their first official game this Saturday. That will be fun to watch. One of Kade's coaches says he is doing a great job.

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