Tuesday, December 30, 2014

More packing and moving!

After we had a few days of a lot of fun with all our family we had to finish packing and moving everything. My method of getting everything done was to pack and clean one room and move to the next. When the movers for the container were here I had them move our king bed downstairs. After they left everything we had left was downstairs in the family room and kitchen. One day while I was trying to organize everything Cam decided to start singing and dancing. He was doing this for about 20 minutes. I am glad the boys thought moving was fun. I sure didn't.

These two pictures show exactly what a disaster our house was.

In a previous post there were pictures of the disaster upstairs. Here are pictures of that same area all clean, mostly clean.

We are grateful to our friends who brought dinner over for us. It was really nice not having to cook in our disaster of a kitchen. 

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