Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Fun with Becky and Aubrey!

Before Becky and Aubrey left for Texas we decided to go to see the Ling and to the cupcake place. It was a lot of fun to see what was built around there. The cupcakes were delicious! We also went over to Hershey World. It was exciting to see what somebody could make out of chocolate and jelly beans.
You can tell from the boys' faces they thoroughly enjoyed their cupcakes.


Both of the little ones were mad because they wanted to get out. These were the best pictures we could get. The Statue of Liberty is made out of jelly beans. Of course they wanted to pick them off and eat them.

In this picture you can see Kyle about to elbow Connor.

In this picture you can both of them trying to elbow each other.
Thanks for the fun outing Becky and Aubrey! We love you and will miss you a lot too. We are so grateful for Facetime. :)

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