Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Cam and Student Led Conferences

I can't remember where these pictures were taken, but Cam sure does look handsome!

Instead of Parent/Teacher Conferences the boys had student led conferences. I didn't know what that meant. After they were all over I wished I had of taken more pictures of them showing me what they do in their classroom. Basically a student led conference is when the teacher puts different "stations' together of what the students are working on. During the conference the student takes their parents(s) around to each station and explains what the station is all about. Each of the boys were so excited to show me what they have been working on and what they do each day. Connor has learned all of his numbers and is learning all of the sounds of each letter in the alphabet. Kyle is able to make some fantastic patterns. Kade made what I would call a Powerpoint presentation, but it was actually made using Google+. With his email he is able to keep it and use whenever he wants and wherever he is living. In the pictures below (the only pictures I took) is what Kade made in his Mandarin class. I was pretty impressed with his writing and he could tell me exactly what it meant.

I look forward to next year's student lead conferences, especially now that I really understand what the purpose for having them is. 

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