Monday, August 7, 2017

My birthday and STOMP

On the Saturday after my birthday we had our annual Wynn breakfast. We had to take our tradiational birthday picture. Kade was a little unhappy because he hurt his foot going up the escalator. Here is the before and after breakfast pictures. Kade is smiling in the later one. 

 That evening (I think), Kyle and I went to see STOMP at the Parisian.  Eric had 2 free tickets. Kade was at a birthday party, so I decided to take Kyle. He was a great date and didn't get mad at me or say anything rude the entire evening. 

 The stage. 

It was an amazing show! Everyone was so talented. However, the next week when we were at the store Kyle thought he could be like them with a grocery cart. He almost ran into one or two people. At least he enjoyed it! 

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