Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Cam's 4th Birthday

We cannot believe Cam is 4! We are starting to realize he is not our little baby anymore. We have to remind the boys to not call him baby. Since Cam is still very much a Mickey Mouse fan I was wishing we could have a Mickey Mouse birthday for him. As I was thinking about it I remembered I packed all of the decorations from his 2nd birthday party. It turned out really cute! He invited his two really good friends to go swimming and then enjoy pizza, cake, and ice cream with him for his birthday. Cam was really pleased with everything, especailly the cake! My friend Vicki did an amazing job on the cake. It was delicious! 

 Getting ready to head to the pool. He actually kept the birthday hat on this year. 

Swimming at the pool. 

 Opening a present from Mitchell and Will. 

Opening his present from all of us. 

Eating pizza so they can have cake and ice cream. 

Singing to him. 

 On Monday we celebrated with his class. We had little Mickey cookies made for each of his classmates. It was also his classmate Chloe's birthday so they sang to both of them. He loved handing out the cookies to everyone and listening to them sing to him. 

Eating some of the yummy cake from Chloe. 

Happy Birthday little Cam! We love you more than words can say! We look forward to what you will accomplish this next year. 

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