Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Adventures with a friend

We had a friend whose husband is working on Wynn Palace. They don't officially live here. They live in between a home in Las Vegas and a ranch in St. George. Teryl was staying here for 6 weeks. While she was here we went on a couple of outings. Our first one was to the A-Ma temple in Coloane and the Panda Park. Afterwards we went to pick up Cam then headed over to the Venetian for lunch. When that was over we headed back to the school to pick up the boys, especially since she was able to meet her husband right across the street from the school at Wynn Palace (yes, Wynn Palace is literally across the street from the school). 

A-Ma temple (some pictures I didn't take when we were first there). It was nice this time because there was hardly anybody there and I didn't have 4 little monkeys scattered everywhere. 

 Hac Sa Beach 

On another day we went to the Macau Fisherman's Wharf. This first picture is in front of an African restaurant. These monkeys reminded me of the boys. 

 A lone duck. As I passed this place it reminded me of last summer when I came down here with the boys and the Chinese lady tried to have a conversation with us. 

Tents were being set up for a huge "duck" event that would start later that day and continue throughout the weekend. 

A hotel on the bay. 

View of Taipa from this hotel. 

Coliseum at Fisherman's Wharf.

After we picked up Cam we headed over to the University of Macau. I thought Teryl needed to see this place before she left. Here are some additional pictures I took on this trip. 

This is a wall separating mainland China from Macau. 

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