Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Australian Football Game Day

A couple of Saturdays ago Kade and Kyle were able to play in their first official Australian Football game. A team came over from Hong Kong and they played on the TIS field (at their school). It was so HOT and muggy, but they had a fun time! Kyle played first and then Kade played with the older kids. The adult men were playing a tournament which I guess lasted all day. Since Eric doesn't play we didn't stay for that part.
Kade with a couple of friends.
Getting ready to play.

Meanwhile Cam and Connor thought it was fun to play on the massage table. The team "doctor" was so kind to them. She put sunscreen on them, talked to them and played with them.

There was some loud music playing so they started dancing. Cam really loves to dance. It was really cute! There was also a bake sale going on. Of course they wanted a cupcake. I bought myself a lamington, an Australian dessert. It was AMAZING! I had to buy myself another one.


Kyle after his game was done.


Here is Kyle just standing around. At least he has a buddy with him. He did run and try to get the ball.

They had Eric be the goal person. He had to wave flags when the ball went in either side of the poles, in the middle, or not at all. In Australian football there is three poles. In order to score the player has to kick the ball into the goal. They cannot throw it. If the player kicks the ball in the side goals they are awarded 2 points. If it goes through the middle the team is awarded 6 points.

Kade was about to catch the ball when two players completely smashed into his him. He ended up having a big lip. Here is Eric making sure he is ok.

Here is a view from the field. The Wynn, which is under construction, and City of Dreams.

More playing.

End of game.

Action shot of Kade.

Kade and Kyle are really excited to play again in September! 

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