Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mid-Autumn Festival/Golden Week

The garden by our apartment has changed again. As usual it is really beautiful.

Swimming. One of our friends moved to Hong Kong. They decided they didn't want to take their very large crocodile so they gave it us. The boys were so excited when they saw it in our apartment.

At the TIS Mid-Autumn Festival all of the students made Chinese lanterns. Connor's is the first picture, green one in the middle. Kyle's is in the second picture, all yellow one and Cam's is the last picture. He painted his bright pink. The other side is yellow.

This is the night I helped out with the TISPA BBQ. I hope if I for sure take over the event coordinator position that I do as good of job as the previous lady. She had everything really organized and efficiently running. The next morning was the first time I was a popcorn mom. I think (I hope) the boys enjoyed seeing me there. :) Happy Mid-Autumn and Golden Week!

School has started!

School has started for 2015-2016. Kade is in 4th grade, Kyle is in 1st grade, Connor is in SK (senior kindergarten) and Cam is going to half day PK (pre-kindergarten). Kade started on Tuesday, September 1st, Kyle and Connor started on September 2nd. Cam started on Thursday for only an hour half the first few days. One day Eric told him he could walk with to school. When I told him he couldn't he really started to cry. When the day finally came that Cam could walk with his daddy and brothers, everyone was super excited. They absolutely love walking together. All of the boys were really glad school was starting. Kade really likes his class because his best friend Josh is in it. I have decided to be part of TISPA (PTA) which actually takes up some of the free time I thought I was going to have. But the boys love seeing me volunteering at school and helping out. Cam loves going to school. He has been the easiest one to drop off. No separation anxiety at all.
Kade is already at the age where he thinks taking pictures is silly. At least I was able to take this one on orientation day.

His first day of school.

Kyle and Connor on orientation day. They met their teacher and made name cards for their cubbies.

First day of school for everyone else. Second day for Kade.

Cam didn't have to go to school until 1, but he was still really excited to go.

Waiting for the security guard to tell us Cam can go to class. I need to add that this is the third year in a row that it rained on the first day of school. Luckily, it wasn't raining too bad when the boys had to walk to school.

Cam walked right in to his class. He put his water bottle in the bin, his backpack in his cubby and his hat on his hook. After all that was done he sat down by the little boy who was already there and started playing. He could really have cared less that I was gone.

On the second day that I went to pick him up his teacher thought they still had another half hour. She was trying to find music on the computer. Of course Cam was really interested in that. When she walked away she left her phone on the desk. Cam thought it would be fun to start playing with it. Luckily the TA saw him and took it away from him before he could break it.

Walking to school with daddy.

All of senior kindergarten does a blog. Here are some pictures that were of Connor.

It is so nice having a schedule. Even though I miss the boys, I don't miss trying to think of things for them to do. I am especially grateful Cam is in school. I know he is learning so much more than he would at home. Last year he just stared at me while I cleaned up after everyone and went grocery shopping.
Sister Susana picked up Cam one day while I was getting my hair done. When she was working she noticed it was really quiet. When she went to find Cam she couldn't see him. Finally she saw a little foot sticking out from underneath our bed. He fell asleep under the bed. Silly boy!


Connor's hospital visit

One morning Connor's nose started to run. I thought he must be getting sick, so I had gave him a little bit of medicine and had him lay down. About 30 minutes later I noticed snot still coming out of his nose but instead of the snot being clear it had a yellowish tint to it. Soon after I noticed that he finally told me he put a button battery from the window alarm up his nose. I have read about many kids dying from a battery leaking into their body so I knew I needed to get him to the hospital fast. Luckily Sister Susana doesn't go to work until 3:30 so I called her to see if she could run over. Thankfully she could. I told Kade to watch Kyle and Cam until Sister Susana got there. I left to get a taxi to take Connor to the hospital that is right by their school.
We left around 10:00 a.m. When we arrived at the hospital we needed to register and then wait to see the ENT. He was not at work yet, so we had to wait about 30-45 minutes for him. Once he was there we went into his office. Him and one other doctor tried to get the battery out of Connor's nose but with no luck. It was really hurting Connor. Through the translation app and another worker in a different department translating what the doctor said, I found out they wanted to put Connor under anesthesia. I called Eric and we agreed that the doctors needed to whatever was needed to get the battery out, especially before it started leaking into his body. Connor and I then had to wait in the lobby for an operating room to open up.
Finally the room was ready. The nurse took Connor into a room and had him change into a hospital gown. He really did not want to change into the hospital gown. He really started crying and getting worried when he had to take off all of his clothes. Luckily, she let him keep his undies on. He had to lay on the hospital bed and get wheeled into the operating room. They allowed me to come into the room until Connor was put under. I had to put on booties, a hat and a clothes cover. I felt weird because Eric is usually the one having to put all these items on and walk into the operating room. But this time it was my turn and we weren't going to see a little baby coming out of it. Once Connor was out they had me wait in the lobby. The procedure only took about 30 minutes. When they brought him out he was already awake. I am sure he was relieved to be done and to see me. They rolled his bed into the room we were in first. Because of the anesthesia we had to wait at the hospital for another two hours. In total we were there from about 10-5. Sister Susana needed to be at her regular job at 3:30 so Eric came home to be with the other three boys.


At home recovering.


We thought Connor would have learned from this experience to not put anything in his body. However, a few days later while we were watching a movie Eric looked over at Connor when he was about to put a little Monopoly house in his ear. We are grateful Eric saw that before we had to go to the hospital again. 



Miscelleneous Pictures

Cam is so peaceful and adorable when he is sleeping. He also sometimes sleeps in the funniest positions.
This is how I found Connor and Cam taking a nap one day.


This is Cam's funniest sleeping position.
On this particular Sunday he was really sick. We thought he was better but after choir practice I found him sleeping on the chair like this. I am sure he really wanted to go home and was so glad he could finally lay in his own bed.
One of my favorite times of the day is putting Cam down for his nap. He is so snuggly!


Kade and I went to a church leadership one Saturday evening. This is how packed the buses can get here.

Views from the district office where the leadership meeting was at.

Views of One Grantai and other apartment buildings.

 Cam playing at the Flower City park.

Playing at the playroom with friends.


Watching Kade play the ipad.

Another limo ride.


Cam was really excited to have his new school backpack.

It is almost as big as he is.

We see this little girl a lot. She is always so happy and funny. Absolutely adorable!